First make a point HERE then pick a SMALL BOLT from a small bolt STORAGE then place it to the same location STOP. This action is called GLUE A SMALL BOLT STOP. Glue a small bolt HERE and make a point HERE and make a point HERE STOP. First make a point HERE then pick a BIG BOLT from a big bolt storage and place it to the same location STOP. This action is called glue a BIG BOLT stop. Make a point HERE and glue a big bolt HERE and make a point HERE STOP. Glue a small bolt HERE and glue a small bolt HERE STOP. Glue a big bolt HERE and glue a big bolt HERE STOP. Glue a big bolt HERE and glue a small bolt HERE and glue a big bolt HERE STOP. Make a point HERE and glue a big bolt HERE and glue a small bolt HERE and glue a big bolt HERE STOP. Make a point HERE and make a point HERE STOP. Glue a big bolt HERE and make a point HERE STOP.